Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Rebecca Miller, artist

[Taken from- http://www.rebeccamillerart.com]

Artist Statement
A light haze of Nag Champa, a tide of music, life, and deep human emotion is my motivation. 

After living in several major cities around the world, I visited Seattle and fell in love with the people, atmosphere, and the energy. Many years spent traveling abroad inspired me to find my passion, and painting was it. Somehow it is an adventure that I just naturally "fell" into.
  I taught myself by spending hours at museums and bookstores researching art and artists I admired and felt strong connections to. And of course long hours of painting, painting, painting.
Through these steps I quickly realized the amazing powers intrinsic of self-expression 

and creative energy.
 I credit the powerful impact of music on my life with the inspiration to convey emotion onto canvas. 

 My process varies. Forcing the issue with a intense focus is a necessary starting point at times when I sit down to paint. Thankfully from there I shift into a creative zone from where the work flows.

My recent series is my attempt to show visually, the link between music and painting by subtly incorporating sheet music into the pieces. I choose Antique because of my deep love for rare things from the past, which have been mostly forgotten, yet still hold timeless qualities. It was dusty and destitute but now new life is sparked by assimilating it into my art and lives on. Each particular music sheet was selected by name of the composition to work with the feeling of the drawing/painting.

 Growing up in Chicago, a city full of culture, I spent many weekends enjoying the museums & the Art Institute. As a teenager i departed family and the home of Illinois seeking year round sunshine and warmth. I ended up in San Diego where I spent many years diving into painting and for a short stint, opened and ran my own gallery. Missing the change of seasons, I made the move north to Seattle where I currently reside. Hence, the "Into the Cold" painting, even though I have noticed that Seattleites rarely use umbrellas. 

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